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biculturalism Speech perception and comprehension Speech production Sign language and bilingualism of the Deaf Aphasia Natural language processing Applied linguistics Bilingualism in Switzerland Myths about bilingualism What bilingualism is NOT What parents want to know about bilingualism The right of the deaf child to grow up bilingual Other domains |
Bilingualism and biculturalism Soares, C. and Grosjean, F. (1981). Left hemisphere language lateralization in bilinguals and monolinguals. Perception and Psychophysics, 29, 599-604. Grosjean, F. (1982). Life with Two Languages: An Introduction to Bilingualism. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 370pp. Grosjean, F. (1983, 1984, 1989). Quelques réflexions sur le biculturalisme. Pluriel, 1983, 36, 81-91; Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale de l'Université de Besançon (Bulag), 1984, 11, 86-97; and Paroles d'Or: Revue de l'Association Romande des Logopédistes Diplômés. 1989, 4, 3-6. PDF Grosjean, F. (1984). Communication exolingue et communication bilingue. In Py, B. (Ed.). Acquisition d'une Langue Etrangère III. Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris VIII and Encrages; Neuchâtel: Centre de Linguistique Appliquée. Grosjean, F. (1984). Le bilinguisme: Vivre avec deux langues. Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale de l'Université de Besançon (Bulag), 11, 4-25; and Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique, (Tranel), 7, 15-42. Soares, C. and Grosjean, F. (1984). Bilinguals in a monolingual and a bilingual speech mode: The effect on lexical access. Memory and Cognition, 12(4), 380-386. PDF Grosjean, F. (1985). Polyglot aphasics and language mixing: A comment on Perecman (1984). Brain and Language, 26, 349-355. PDF Grosjean, F. (1985). The bilingual as a competent but specific speaker-hearer. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 6, 467-477. Also in Cruz-Ferreira, M. (Ed.). Multilingual Norms. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010 (19-31). PDF Grosjean, F. and Soares, C. (1986). Processing mixed language: Some preliminary findings. In Vaid, J. (Ed.). Language Processing in Bilinguals: Psycholinguistic and Neuropsychological Perspectives. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Grosjean, F. (1987). Vers une psycholinguistique du parler bilingue. In Lüdi, G. (Ed.). Devenir Bilingue - Parler Bilingue. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Grosjean, F. (1988). Exploring the recognition of guest words in bilingual speech. Language and Cognitive Processes, 3(3), 233-274. PDF Grosjean, F. (1989). Neurolinguists, beware! The bilingual is not two monolinguals in one person. Brain and Language, 36, 3-15. PDF Bürki-Cohen, J., Grosjean, F. and Miller, J. (1989). Base language effects on word identification in bilingual speech: Evidence from categorical perception experiments. Language and Speech, 32(4), 355-371. Grosjean, F. (1989). The bilingual as a person. In Titone, R. (Ed.). On the Bilingual Person. Ottawa: Canadian Society for Italian Studies. Grosjean, F. (1990). The psycholinguistics of language contact and code-switching: Concepts, methodology and data. In Papers for the Workshop on Concepts, Methodology and Data. Network on Code-Switching and Language Contact. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. Grosjean, F. (1990). Etre biculturel: une identité qui exclut la naturalisation? In Centlivres, P. (Ed.). Devenir Suisse: Adhésion et Diversité Culturelle des Etrangers en Suisse. Geneva: Georg. Grosjean, F. and Py, B. (1991). La restructuration d'une première langue: l'intégration de variantes de contact dans la compétence de migrants bilingues. La Linguistique, 27, 35-60. PDF Grosjean, F. (1992). Another view of bilingualism. In Harris, R. (Ed.). Cognitive Processing in Bilinguals. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Grosjean, F. (1993, 1996, 2004). Le bilinguisme et le biculturalisme: essai de définition. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRANEL), 1993, 19, 13-42. Also in A. Gorouden & B. Virole (Eds.). Le bilinguisme aujoud'hui et demain (pp. 17-50). Paris: Editions du CTNERHI, 2004. German version: Bilingualismus und Bikulturalismus: Versuch einer Definition. In Schneider, H. and Hollenweger, J. (Eds.). Mehrsprachigkeit und Fremdsprachigkeit: Arbeit für die Sonderpädagogik? Lucerne: Edition SZH, 1996. Grosjean, F. (1994, 1997, 1999). Individual bilingualism. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1994. Also in Applied Linguistic Studies in Central Europe (University of Veszprem, Hungary), 1997, 103-113; in Spolsky, B. (Ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1999; in Mesthrie, R. (Ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics (pp. 10-16). Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2001. Slovak version: in J. Stefanik (Ed.). Individualny bilingvizmus (pp. 39-48). Bratislava: Academic Electronic Press, 2003. Grosjean, F. and Miller, J. (1994). Going in and out of languages: An example of bilingual flexibility. Psychological Science, 5(4), 201-206. PDF Grosjean, F. (1995). A psycholinguistic approach to code-switching: The recognition of guest words by bilinguals. In Milroy, L. and Muysken, P. (Eds.). One Speaker, Two Languages: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Code-Switching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grosjean, F. (1997, 2000). Processing mixed language: Issues, findings and models. In de Groot, A. and Kroll, J. (Eds.). Tutorials in Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: LEA, 1997. Also in Li Wei (Ed.). The Bilingual Reader (1st edition). London: Routledge, 2000. Slovak version: in J. Stefanik (Ed.). Individualny bilingvizmus (pp. 193-214). Bratislava: Academic Electronic Press, 2003. Grosjean, F. (1997). The bilingual individual. Interpreting, 2(1/2), 163-187. PDF Grosjean, F., Kroll, J., Meisel, J. and Muysken, P. (1998). Editorial. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1(1), iii-iv. Grosjean, F. (1998). The on-line processing of speech: Lexical access in bilinguals. In Bhatt, P. and Davis, R. (Eds.). The Linguistic Brain. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press. Grosjean, F. (1998, 2004). Studying bilinguals: Methodological and conceptual issues. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1, 131-149. And in T. K. Bhatia & W. C. Ritchie (Eds.). The Handbook of Bilingualism (pp. 32-63). Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing. PDF Grosjean, F. (1998). Transfer and language mode. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1(3), 175-176. Grosjean, F. (1999). Le bilinguisme: une compétence communicative à part entière. Educateur Magazine, 12, 18-21. Grosjean, F. (2001). The bilingual's language modes. In Nicol, J. (Ed.). One Mind, Two Languages: Bilingual Language Processing (pp. 1-22). Oxford: Blackwell. Also in Li Wei (Ed.). The Bilingual Reader (2nd edition). London: Routledge, 2007. PDF Guillelmon, D. and Grosjean, F. (2001). The gender marking effect in spoken word recognition: The case of bilinguals. Memory and Cognition, 29(3), 503-511. PDF Py, B. & Grosjean, F. (2002). Variante de contact, restructuration et compétence bilingue: approche expérimentale. In Castellotti, V. & Py, B. (Eds.). La notion de compétence en langue. Lyon: ENS Editions. Grosjean, F. (2002, 2003). Interview. The Bilingual Family Newsletter, 19 (4), 4-7; 20 (1), 1-7. Hungarian version: in Hungarian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2002, 1, 103-114; Italian version: in Education et sociétés plurilingues, 2003, 15, 85-97. Grosjean, F., Li, P., Münte, T. & Rodriguez-Fornells, A. (2003). Imaging bilinguals: When the neurosciences meet the language sciences. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 6(2), 159-165. PDF Grosjean, F. (2004). Le bilinguisme et le biculturalisme: quelques notions de base. In C. Billard, M. Touzin et P. Gillet (Eds.). Troubles spécifiques des apprentissages: l'état des connaissances. Paris: Signes Editions. Grosjean, F. (2007). Starting BLC: 1996-1998. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 10(1), 3-6. PDF Grosjean, F. (2008). Studying Bilinguals. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: Life and Reality. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. Grosjean, F. (2012). An attempt to isolate, and then differentiate, transfer and interference. International Journal of Bilingualism, 16(1), 11-21. PDF Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013). The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism. Malden, MA & Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Grosjean, F. (2013). Bilingualism: A short introduction. In Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013), pp. 5-25. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2013). Speech perception and comprehension. In Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013), pp. 30-49. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2013). Speech production. In Grosjean, F. & Li, P. (2013), pp. 50-69. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2013, 2020). Bilingual and monolingual language modes. In C. Chapelle (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, New Jersey: Blackwell Publishing, 2013. And in C. Chapelle (Ed.). The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2020. PDF Grosjean, F. (2015). Bicultural bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(5), 572-586. PDF Grosjean, F. (2015). Parler plusieurs langues: le monde des bilingues. Paris: Albin Michel. Grosjean, F. (2015). Bilinguismo: miti e realtà. Milan: Mimesis. (Translation of Bilingual: Life and Reality by A. Gilardoni & R. Scafi). Grosjean, F. (2016). The Complementarity Principle and its impact on processing, acquisition, and dominance. In C. Silva-Corvalán & J. Treffers-Daller (Eds.), Language Dominance in Bilinguals: Issues of Measurement and Operationalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PDF Grosjean, F. (2016). Bilinguisme individuel. Encyclopædia Universalis. PDF Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018). The Listening Bilingual: Speech Perception, Comprehension, and Bilingualism. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018). Bilingual adults and children: A short introduction. In Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018), pp. 4-24. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018). Speech perception and comprehension. In Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018), pp. 25-39. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2018). Spoken word recognition. In Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018), pp. 65-85. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2018). Processing bilingual speech. In Grosjean, F. & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2018), pp. 109-128. See above. PDF Grosjean, F. (2018). Etre bilingue aujourd'hui. Revue française de linguistique appliquée, 23(2), 7-14. PDF Grosjean, F. (2019). A Journey in Languages and Cultures: The Life of a Bicultural Bilingual. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grosjean, F. (2020). Individuelle Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeit. In Gogolin, I., Hansen, A., McMonagle, S., and Rauch, D. (Eds.). Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. PDF Grosjean, F. (2021). Life as a Bilingual: Knowing and Using Two or More Languages. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Grosjean, F. (2022). The Mysteries of Bilingualism: Unresolved Issues. Chichester, UK: Wiley & Sons. Conversation about the book Grosjean, F. (2022). Who is bilingual? In Grosjean, F. The Mysteries of Bilingualism: Unresolved Issues (pp. 7-17). Chichester, UK: Wiley & Sons. PDF Grosjean, F. (2022). Is language processing in bilinguals selective or non-selective? In Grosjean, F. The Mysteries of Bilingualism: Unresolved Issues (pp. 117-128). Chichester, UK: Wiley & Sons. PDF Grosjean, F. (2024). On Bilinguals and Bilingualism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Grosjean, F. (2024). On Bilinguals and Bilingualism: Fifty years in the field. Fifteen Eighty Four blog. Cambridge University Press. |