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Speech perception and comprehension Lane, H. and Grosjean, F. (1973). Perception of reading rate by listeners and speakers. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 97(2), 141-147. PDF Grosjean, F. and Lane, H. (1974). Effects of two temporal variables on the listener's perception of reading rate. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 102(5), 893-896. PDF Grosjean, F. and Lane, H. (1976). How the listener integrates the components of speaking rate. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2(4), 538-543. PDF Grosjean, F. and Lass, N. (1977). Some factors affecting the listener's perception of reading rate in English and French. Language and Speech, 20(3), 198-208. Miller, J. and Grosjean, F. (1979). Further studies on the influence of sentence rate on the closure duration cue for voicing. In Wolf, J. and Klatt, D. (Eds.). Speech Communication Papers Presented at the 97th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. New York: Acoustical Society of America. Grosjean, F. (1980). Spoken word recognition processes and the gating paradigm. Perception and Psychophysics, 28, 267-283. PDF Miller, J. and Grosjean, F. (1981). How the components of speaking rate influence the perception of phonetic segments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 208-215. PDF Grosjean, F. and Lane, H. (1981). Temporal variables in the perception and production of spoken and sign languages. In Eimas, P. and Miller, J. (Eds.). Perspectives on the Study of Speech. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Dommergues, J.Y. and Grosjean, F. (1981). Performance structures in the recall of sentences. Memory and Cognition, 9, 478-486. PDF Grosjean, F. (1983). How long is the sentence? Prediction and prosody in the on-line processing of language. Linguistics, 21, 501-529. PDF Cotton, S. and Grosjean, F. (1984). The gating paradigm: A comparison of successive and individual presentation formats. Perception and Psychophysics, 35, 41-48. PDF Grosjean, F. and Itzler, J. (1984). Can semantic constraint reduce the role of word frequency during spoken word recognition? Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 22, 180-182. PDF Grosjean, F. (1985). The recognition of words after their acoustic offset: Evidence and implications. Perception and Psychophysics, 38, 299-310. PDF Grosjean, F. and Gee, J. (1987). Prosodic structure and spoken word recognition. Cognition, 25, 135-155. PDF Grosjean, F., Dommergues, J-Y., Cornu, E., Guillelmon, D. and Besson, C. (1994). The gender-marking effect in spoken word recognition. Perception and Psychophysics, 56(5), 590-598. PDF Yersin-Besson, C. and Grosjean, F. (1996). L'effet de l'enchaînement sur la reconnaissance des mots dans la parole continue. L'Année Psychologique, 96, 9-30. PDF Grosjean, F. and Hirt, C. (1996). Using prosody to predict the end of sentences in English and French: Normal and brain-damaged subjects. Language and Cognitive Processes, 11(1/2), 107-134. PDF Grosjean, F. and Frauenfelder, U. (Eds.). (1997). A Guide to Spoken Word Recognition Paradigms. Hove, England: Psychology Press. Grosjean, F. (1996; 1997). Gating. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1996, 11(6), 597-604. Also in Grosjean, F. and Frauenfelder, U. (Eds.). A Guide to Spoken Word Recognition Paradigms. Hove, England: Psychology Press, 1997. PDF Grosjean, F. and Frauenfelder, U. (1997). A guide to spoken word recognition paradigms: Introduction. In Grosjean, F. and Frauenfelder, U. (Eds.). A Guide to Spoken Word Recognition Paradigms. Hove, England: Psychology Press. Miller, J. and Grosjean, F. (1997). Dialect effects in vowel perception: The role of temporal information in French. Language and Speech, 40(3), 277-288. PDF Racine, I. and Grosjean, F. (1997). La reconnaissance des mots en parole continue: Effacement du schwa et frontière lexicale. In: La voyelle dans tous ses états. Actes des journées d'études linguistiques. Nantes,1997. Université de Nantes: Groupe AAI.Nantes. Grosjean, F. (1998). Language: From set patterns to free patterning. In Fähndrich, W. (Ed.). Improvisation III. Winterthur: Amadeus Verlag. Racine, I. and Grosjean, F. (2000). Influence de l'effacement du schwa sur la reconnaissance des mots en parole continue. L'année Psychologique, 100, 393-417. PDF Schwab, S. and Grosjean, F. (2004). La perception du débit en langue seconde. Phonetica, 61, 84-94. Léwy, N., Grosjean, F., Grosjean, L., Racine, I. & Yersin, C. (2005). Un modèle psycholinguistique informatique de la reconnaissance des mots dans la chaîne parlée du français. Journal of French Language Studies, 15, 25-48. PDF Racine, I. and Grosjean, F. (2005). Le coût de l'effacement du schwa lors de la reconnaissance des mots en français. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59(4), 240-254. PDF Grosjean, F., Carrard, S., Godio, C., Grosjean, L. & Dommergues, J.-Y. (2007). Long and short vowels in Swiss French: Their production and perception. Journal of French Language Studies, 17, 1-19. PDF Schwab, S., Miller, J., Grosjean, F. and Mondini, M. (2008). Effect of speaking rate on the identification of word boundaries. Phonetica, 65, 173-186. PDF Miller, J. L., Mondini, M., Grosjean, F. & Dommergues, J.-Y. (2011). Dialect effects in speech perception: The role of vowel duration in Parisian French and Swiss French. Language and Speech, 54(4), 467-485. PDF |