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François Grosjean
Professor Emeritus

Psychology Today blog, Life as a bilingual, by François Grosjean and Aneta Pavlenko

To learn about this blog, see this interview with François Grosjean and this second interview.

List of published posts by content area

Adults and Children (see also Children)
Across the lifespan
Children with additional needs
Second language learning
Using two or more languages
The bilingual mind and brain
Biculturalism / Personality
When the heart speaks
Special bilinguals


Life as a bilingual
Life as a bilingual II
A bilingual challenge
Myths about bilingualism
The mysteries of bilingualism Part I
The mysteries of bilingualism Part II
Bilingualism's best kept secret
How many are we?
Chasing down those 65%
Bilinguals in the United States
The amazing rise of bilingualism in the United States

Adults and children
(see also Children)

Who is bilingual?
What do bilinguals and hurdlers have in common?
Visualizing one's languages
What is it like to be bilingual?
Becoming bilingual
What does it mean to be dominant in a language?
Bilinguals and accents
Retaining an accent
Understanding someone with a foreign accent
The person-language bond Part I
The person-language bond Part II
Refusing to speak a language
The psycholinguistics of bilingualism
When bilinguals speak
When bilinguals listen
Does processing language differently mean more efficiently?
The research finding some of us didn't want to believe
Perceptual insensibility in a second language

Across the lifespan

The wax and wane of languages
Understanding language loss
Changing a first language permanently
You are never too old to learn a new language (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Helping others become bilingual (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Language forgetting
Can a first language be totally forgotten? Part I
Can a first language be totally forgotten? Part II
Recovering a childhood language under hypnosis
Dormant bilinguals and President Obama
Keeping a language alive
Aging with two or more languages


Planned bilingualism: Five questions to consider
How early a second language?
One person - one language and bilingual children
When a parent is a child's only language source
Born with a preference for two languages
Bilingual infants
When bilingual infants look at people talking
How do bilingual infants separate their languages?
Speech discrimination in bilingual infants
Bilingual infants learning new words
Do bilingual infants have better memory? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Do they know as many words?
Intermingling languages in children
Coming back to bilingualism
Giving up on bilingualism, for a while at least
Two American kids in a small Swiss village
Nuturing bilingualism in children
How my mother lured me into multilingualism (by Aneta Pavlenko)
The languages you speak to your bilingual child
What are the effects of bilingualism?

Children with additional needs

Bilingual children with hearing loss
Supporting bilingual children with special education needs
Dyslexia, bilingualism, and learning a second language
Stuttering in bilinguals: What we know

Second language learning

From second language learning to bilingualism in schools
Parents who fight for bilingual education
Learning languages in the classroom and "in the wild" (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Cognitive advantages of second language immersion education
What is translanguaging?
Foreign language learning is like dating: It spurs anxiety (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Can a second language help you learn a third? (by Aneta Pavelenko)
Do musicians make better language learners? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Language learning in a multilingual country (by Aneta Pavlenko)
The secrets of a successful language learner (by Aneta Pavlenko)
The dark side of the recent polyglot hype (by Aneta Pavlenko)

Using two or more languages

What a bilingual's languages are used for
Two questions bilinguals ask themselves when communicating with others
Intermingling languages: From conversation to literature
Helen or Hélène? How bilinguals borrow words from their other language(s)
When bilinguals borrow from one language to another
Interacting in just one language
False friends and other unwanted companions
Thinking and dreaming in two (or more) languages
What does it mean to think in a second language? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
What languages do bilinguals count in? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Forgotten? Try your other language
Bilingual memory (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Why aren't you speaking the right language? Part I
Why aren't you speaking the right language? Part II
Why are they talking so fast?
Misunderstanding in the multilingual workplace (by Aneta Pavlenko)

The bilingual mind and brain

The bilingual mind
Bilingual minds, bilingual bodies (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Bilingual cognitive advantage: Where do we stand? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
The bilingual advantage: Where do we go from here?
The bilingual advantage: Three years later
The bilingual brain
Inside the bilingual brain (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Understanding the bilingual brain
What is different in the bilingual brain? Part I
What is different in the bilingual brain? Part II
Dementia, later-life cognition and bilingualism
Multilingual aphasia: A personal testimony
The man who could no longer speak to his wife Part I
The man who could no longer speak to his wife Part II
Assessing speech perception and comprehension in bilinguals

Biculturalism / Personality

How cultures combine and blend in a person
Keeping my four cultures alive
Becoming bicultural: Celebrating Thanksgiving
Who am I?
Advantages of being bicultural
Change of language, change of personality? Part I
Change of language, change of personality? Part II
Change of language, change of personality? Uncovered data
A multivocal self (by Aneta Pavlenko)
How bilinguals deal with moral dilemnas (by Aneta Pavlenko)

When the heart speaks

Emotions in more than one language
Poetry and the language of the heart (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Love in a second language (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Humor in bilingual couples
Falling in love with a culture and a language Part I
Falling in love with a culture and a language Part II
The rose
Born to be bilingual

Special bilinguals

Those amazing special bilinguals
Teaching and living with two or more languages
Desperately seeking a final translation
Those incredible interpreters
How those incredible interpreters do it
Bilingualism in the sky
Linguistic and cultural challenges of foreign correspondents
The linguistic and cultural skills of sleeper agents
Passing for a native speaker (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Passing for a native speaker, Part 2 (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Portraying heritage language speakers
Amazing bilingual writers Part I
Amazing bilingual writers Part II
Lost in translation
Poetry in a second language (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Is poetry translatable? (by Aneta Pavlenko
Living in parts, dreaming of wholeness (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Are there any female polyglots? (by Aneta Pavlenko)
What does it mean to be an multilingual archeologist? (by Aneta Pavlenko)


Noam Chomsky on bilingualism
What you didn't know about François Grosjean (by Aneta Pavlenko)
Sign language and bilingualism
When sign language influences speech
The day the Supreme Court ruled on the bilingual mind
Second language speakers and police interviews (by Aneta Pavlenko)
What did he say?


Mark Antoniou on the bilingual advantage
Eleanor Beardsley on the challenges of foreign correspondents
Judith Burki-Cohen on pilot and air traffic controller communication in a foreign language
Krista Byers-Heinlein on bilingual infants learning new words
Julie Choi on her own multivocal self
Noam Chomsky on bilingualism
Lauren Collins on love in a second language
William Fierman on the secrets of a successful language learner
Ofelia Garcia on translanguaging
Fred Genesee on dyslexia, bilingualism and learning a second language
Keith Gessen on being his child's only language source
François Grosjean on fifty years in the field of bilingualism
Arturo Hernandez on the bilingual brain
Eva Hoffman on "Lost in Translation"
Fabrice Jaumont on creating dual-language programs from the bottom up
Isabelle K. on her multilingual aphasia
Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird on bilingual children with special education needs
Ping Li on what is different in the bilingual brain
Valerie Lim on stuttering in bilinguals
Rachel Mairs on multilingualism in classical studies
Leslie C. Moore on language learning in a multilingual country
Eugene Ostashevsky on whether poetry is translatable
Ann Patty on the challenges and rewards of learning a new language
Aneta Pavlenko on the bilingual mind
Gustavo Pérez-Firmat on writing in two voices
Shana Poplack on borrowing
Lu-Feng Shi on the clinical assessment of bilinguals
Monika S. Schmid on language loss
Janet Werker on how bilingual infants separate their languages
Iain Whyte on language interpreters

Université de Neuchâtel, Ave. du Premier-Mars 26, 2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse/Switzerland